Embedding components inside your content (much like this page on Rummij) is as simple as passing a component tag to the calling code, then processing that server-side at the destination.
Note: for SSR frameworks like Svelte, Next.js or Nuxt.js these need to be processed server-side, as the tags won't do anything useful once they hit the page.
The first step is to stop the component being escaped by the Markdown renderer by using an @html code block:
<MyComponent />
Next, on the client website add processing to break the Pullnote built HTML into 2 chunks:
var split = note.content_html.split("<MyComponent />");
if (split.length > 1) {
note.intro_html = split[0];
note.content_html = split[1];
Then you can slice components in as part of the output, which will be caught by the SSR:
export let data;
const note = data.note;
{#if note.intro_html}
{@html note.intro_html}
<MyComponent />
{@html note.content_html}
The easiest way to pass information is to send parameters alongside the note via note.params. If not, pass props in via the component HTML then use string-processing:
<MyComponent prop="Hello world" />